16:01 Man StuffSquatch Men: Lifestyle

Q&A With Pro QB Justin Herbert

Suit up, it’s game time! We are HYPED to welcome the newest all-star member of Team Squatch, pro QB Justin Herbert! We’ve got an action-packed season on deck and to prepare we huddled up with Justin to get to know him a bit better, learn more about life in the league, get some hair care tips, and chat all things Squatch. 

What got you interested in Dr. Squatch originally?
“I first saw some of the Dr. Squatch Star Wars promos on Instagram. I was a fan of the humor and definitely intrigued by the idea of high-performance products that were natural and also better for you too. Right after we started talking about partnerships I happened to be talking to my teammate Brian Bulaga about Dr. Squatch and he mentioned he loved the products too. From there it was just a matter of figuring out a way to work together and next thing you know I’m filming a commercial with James and Mike.

You have the best hair in the NFL, what’s that like?
“Ha, well it’s a lot of hard work but that’s one of the best things about teaming up with Dr. Squatch is that the products really do the job. The shampoo, conditioner, and the soaps and deodorants too, really do all the work for me. I’ve definitely noticed the difference with the softness and smoothness of my hair and the scents are awesome.”

How important are routines to your success?
“The structure of a routine is a big part of my day, especially during the season. I really like to have everything timed out and scheduled, from when I wake up, to what and when I’m eating, to when I’m working out and going to bed. It really helps me stay focused on my job and perform at my absolute best. I'm always tweaking and making adjustments but once I’m dialed I need to be able to replicate that over and over for the best possible results.”

Is there something particular you love to do in the morning that helps get you ready for the day?
“I love that early morning car ride to practice, listening to music. It’s 15 or 20 minutes to myself to just enjoy and it helps me set my mindset to attack the day.”

Speaking of music, what’s on the playlist? Do you listen to music during pre-game?
My music taste is pretty much all over the place - country, hip hop; I love classic rock too and grew up listening to bands like Led Zeppelin, Tom Petty, and AC/DC with my Dad, those are some of his favorites. Pre-game, it’s always “For Those About To Rock” by AC/DC, it just fires me up.”

What do you do on game days to set yourself up to perform your best?
“It really starts the night before. We always have meetings the night before to talk through the game plan and defense we are facing. I’m big on visualization as well, so I start working through the play sheet in my head. From there, its simple stuff like going to bed early, getting a good night’s sleep, and having healthy meals that morning or afternoon before we play.”

What’s your favorite Squatch scents?
“My go-tos are Fresh Falls, Birchwood Breeze, and Pine Tar.

Grit or no grit?
“I’m definitely a grit guy now. It gives me that great scrub I need, especially after workouts and practice when I’ve been sweating a lot or in the grass.”

Outside of grooming products from Dr. Squatch, do you keep anything special or personal in your locker?
“Definitely. I have a letter from our previous strength coach that has some great words of encouragement and I keep that as a nice reminder. I’ve also got a nice letter from one of my best friends, it helps me keep my perspective about what’s important and reminds me that there’s also life outside of football.”

What do you do on your days off to relax?
“I haven’t gotten to do as much of it since I moved down here to SoCal, but I love fishing and being outside. I’m also a big golfer and love getting out on the course with friends when I can.”

Best of luck to our man Justin and all of his teammates for a phenomenal season! We’re honored to have him repping team Squatch on and off the field! We’ve got a full season of exclusive deals, content, and more coming up, so stay tuned! You can also shop all of Justin’s go-to Squatch picks and draft your own all-star lineup of Squatch MVPs right here.

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